Monday, April 30, 2012

Gothic Asatru God Temple bulldozed

Find don Thor Strength to fight for dom Silence ToBe.
Where are the Protestors? Bulldozing Native American burial Sites is Bad. Bulldozing Palestinian Homes is Bad. Bulldozing Xots (Goths/Asatru) Holy Sites is just Business? Where are the Witches, Wiccans, Heathens, Pagans, Gaians, New Agers? Too busy protesting on behalf of Polar Bears that can’t swim?

Where are the UN Resolutions of Protest. Where is the call for Regime Change & No Fly Zones? Too busy "saving" Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Syrians from CIA/Mossad Black Ops? When you destroy a People's Religious Sites is this not a form of Ethnic Cleansing? Apparently not if they are Xotik (Gothic/Asatru) Temples then it is just a Money Deal?

Do not be fooled. The 2,000 year old Crusade & Inquisition to exterminate Xots by wiping their Real Culture off the Map of History is still going on Strong. This destruction of a 6th or 5th century BCE Temple later honouring Thor, Odin, Frey and Freya in Norway is proof of this. The only thing that this Crusade & Inquisition wants to stand is the Negative or Cartoon Re-Writing of Xotik History: Goths are perverted, violent & in League with Nasties, Asatru are dangerous Right Wing Survivalists, Witches are Ugly & in League with Odin, I mean Satan. It is a Time to go beyond Politics, beyond Manufactured Racial Strife, beyond Comparative Religious Reductionism, beyond "Spiritual Materialism" & reclaim our Xoting, our Mystical Silence ToBe. This is why I have called the Talks "Gothic Mysticism: RECLAIMING ...... "


Saturday, March 31, 2012

An Asatru Temple Unearthed in Norway. And Then...

The site was old; dating from the fifth century. A circle of stones, 15 meters across and each stone standing a meter high, provided a central focal point. Leading up to the circle was a processional road that had not felt a human foot for a thousand years. To one side there had been a wooden structure supported by strong wooden pillars resting on firm stone footings, but the wood had disappeared long ago. The whole array had been carefully, lovingly buried in peat, preserved from plow and weather, deliberately hidden from those who would harm it, awaiting the day it would be safe to once again acknowledge the old Gods. Surely, those who covered it must have thought, the Christian madness will someday pass and our descendants will be glad that we have saved this for them...

When an intact pre-Christian temple was unearthed in Norway, archeologists were overwhelmed. Comments like "Unique!" and "Unprecedented!" splashed across Internet news pages.

But now, it has been demolished - bulldozed to make way for a housing development.

Could the pagans of old, as they tenderly buried the holiest place they knew, have imagined a world where gold was more important than Gods? Where their own descendants would raze their temple so that the profane houses of thralls would forever crush that which they loved? When the steel blade of the bulldozer bit into the sacred earth, the present spat on the past. The clear intentions of the ancestors were ruthlessly betrayed...for money.

... .. Who owns the ancestors? Who owns the Gods? Is there a "right" to bulldoze an ancient holy site in Norway or, as has been done, to level an ancient stone circle in Ireland...for profit? The most important things cannot be owned by anyone: I do not "own" my family name. I merely borrow it to pass on, with added honor, to my sons. I do not "own" the genetic and cultural inheritance left me by my forefathers and foremothers; this too I have only borrowed from my ancestors. They are not mine to destroy.

 One of the old rune poems says that "Gold causes strife among kinsmen. The wolf grows up in the woods." ... And the wolf...he is none other than Fenris, the wolf restrained only by the bonds of love and kinship that we forge with each other, from generation to generation and across the centuries. When he is loosed, Ragnarok - the great battle at the end of this cycle of time - ensues. ...

 The temple so lovingly preserved by Norwegians a thousand years ago emerged in this time and place for a reason. This is the time of Awakening - awakening, that is, if the Gods of honor and valor can win against the gods of gold and whoredom...if men and women will remember the ancestors...if blood runs true. ...

... I call on Odin and Frigga, Thor and Sif, Frey and Freya! I call on the ancestors all-holy, and the heroes who sleep in the mounds! Let us remember that we are the sons and daughters of warriors and poets, mystics and seers, adventurers and explorers! Even now, the old Gods stir. Organizations dedicated to the indigenous faith of the Northlands - called Asatru, or Odinism, or "Our Faith" or by many other names - exist in many countries. Like the emergence of a forgotten Norwegian hof in 2012, they are here because a wind of awakening blows through the World Tree. is time.

 We will chain the wolf.

Update - The stones from the site have been removed and stored, though the place itself has been "developed," as they say. To follow the situation, go to the Facebook page "Bevar veet pa Ranheim." There is a web site at . We must support this effort in any way we can. I will post more information as I get it.

Steve McNallen

Asatru Folk Assembly  


Unique pagan temple unearthed in Norway

Posted by TANN
A fascinating discovery is shedding light upon pre-Christian Scandinavian religion and early Christian inroads into Norway. In the Norwegian press, this highly important find is being called "unparalleled," "first of its kind" and "unique,"said to have been "deliberately and carefully hidden" - from invading and destructive Christians.
The excavated temple [Credit: Preben Rønne, Science Museum/NTNU]
... Occupied from the 6th or 5th century BCE until the 10th century AD/CE, the site shows signs of usage for animal sacrifice, a common practice among different peoples in antiquity. Over 1,000 years ago, the site was dismantled and covered by a thick layer of peat, evidently to protect it from marauding Christian invaders. ...... Animal blood sacrifice The god temple may have been built sometime around or after the year 400 AD, thus used for hundreds of years until the people emigrated to avoid Christianity's "straitjacket." It consisted of a stone-set "sacrificial altar" and also traces of a "pole building" that probably housed idols in the form of sticks with carved faces of Thor, Odin, Frey and Freya. Deceased relatives of high rank were also portrayed in this way and attended. Nearby, the archaeologists also uncovered a procession route. ... Strange burial mound ...
Artist's rendering of the original 'god temple,' with sacrifice altar, staff house in center and procession on road to left [Credit: Preben Rønne, Science Museum/NTNU]
... says Rønne. "Approximately in the middle of the excavation, we had to admit that it was not a burial mound but a sacrificial altar, in the Norse sources called a 'horg.' It was made up of both round 'dome rocks' and stone slabs. During our work, we found two glass beads, and also some burned bones and traces of a wooden box that had been filled with red-brown sand/gravel and a cracked boiling stone. Among the bones, we found part of a skull and several human teeth. ...The latest dating of the god temple is between 895 and 990 AD. Precisely during this period Christianity was introduced by heavy-handed methods into Norway. This meant that many left the country to retain their original god-belief. ... Unique in Norway Large pre-Christian cult sites in Scandinavia - often large settlements with a large central hall, frequently with a smaller attached building - have been found not in Norway, but, rather, in Central and Southern Sweden (Skåne), also in eastern Denmark.
Glass beads which were found during the excavation on the top of the altar [Credit: Preben Rønne, Science Museum/NTNU]
"In the sacrificial altar, we found a fire pit that actually lay directly on the prehistoric plow layer. The charcoal from this grave is now dated to 500-400 BC. Thus, the place could have been regarded as sacred or at least had a special status long before the stone altar was built. In the prehistoric plow layer under the fire pit, we could clearly see the traces of plowing with an 'ard,' a plow precursor," said Rønne.According to Rønne, it was easy to interpret [the building] as a god temple from the Norse sources. So it was also from precisely the Trøndelag area that the largest exodus of people who would retain their freedom and not become Christians took place. A large part of them went to Iceland between 870 and 930 AD, i.e., during the time of Harald Fairhair. In all, 40 people from Trøndelag are specifically mentioned in the Norse sources. In Iceland, their descendants later wrote a large part of these sources. ... Authors: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock | Source: Freethought Nation [March 16, 2012]

Friday, August 05, 2011

CHICAGO TRIBUNE implies their Readers are Racists

By CHICAGO TRIBUNE “LOGIC”, in “Race and the 'flash mob' attacks” mentioning the Race of a Group of Criminals is Racist. Is then mentioning "White" Racists, in Affirmative Action Articles, also Racist? Is using the Word "German" in reference to exterminating Jews, racist? Would even mentioning Jews as Victims be racist? Is mentioning Race in Articles that deal with Genocide, Racist? Since Chicago Tribune regularly talks about Race & regularly mentions Race in Crimes like the Holocaust & Apartheid in South Africa, can we conclude by their own “LOGIC” that they are Racists?

If the Argument is that the emphasis should be on the Criminals & not Race then this is a "sound general policy ". These Perpetuators are not “Black” or “White” “Germans” or “Jews” “Catholic” or “Protestant” but Criminals, BUT, NOT to give a description that a Group of Perpetuators are of one Race, & the Victims are of another Race is Criminal Negligence. It is Criminal Negligence because it obstructs pertinent Information that could bring Criminals to Justice.

Does the Chicago Tribune actually BELIEVE this has nothing to do with Political Correctness & that they are following a Higher Calling? A better Argument is that because they have had no opposition, until now, to their Propaganda, it quite possible they actually believe their own “LOGIC”. When Readers now have a Voice through the alternative Media & can talk back, instead of having an intelligent Debate, the CHICAGO TRIBUNE implies their Readers are Racists!

In this Article, the Chicago Tribune attempts to shore up it’s worth as a viable propaganda Venue. When they resort to Ad Hominem attacks on their Readers they have lost all credibility. It is time to realize that the Main Stream Media is a complete waste of Time.


ARTICLE EXCERPTS ------------ Race and the 'flash mob' attacks, by Steve Chapman, 3:24 p.m. CDT, June 8, 2011
Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days:


Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?
There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.
My question to readers accusing us of political correctness is: Why do you care so much about the attackers' race? If you fear or dislike blacks, I suppose it would confirm your prejudice. But otherwise, it tells you nothing useful.,0,1883170.story?obref=obnetwork

Monday, May 16, 2011



Here’s the quiz. Choose “A” or “B” as the answer for each question, then check your score below.

#1) The purpose of the mainstream media is to:

A) Keep you informed.
B) Feed you misinformation while keeping you distracted from the real issues our world is facing.

#2) Social Security is:

A) A financial safety net that makes sure people have a retirement income.
B) A government-run Ponzi scheme that requires more and more people to keep paying in just to stay afloat and will ultimately collapse into total bankruptcy.

#3) The fluoride dripped into municipal water supplies is:

A) A naturally-occurring mineral.
B) An industrial chemical waste byproduct.

#4) When you donate money to find the cure for cancer, that money goes:

A) To fund research programs that assess actual cancer cures for the purpose of freely sharing them with the public.
B) To fund mammogram campaigns that actually irradiate women’s breasts, causing the very cancers that earn huge profits for the cancer treatment industry.

#5) The national debt is:

A) Under control and will be paid off in a few years.
B) Out of control and will spiral into a runaway debt collapse.

#6) GMOs will:

A) Feed the world and prevent starvation.
B) Threaten the future of life on our planet through genetic contamination and widespread crop failures.

#7) The FDA protects:

A) The people from dangerous medicines.
B) The financial interests of the drug companies.

#8) The EPA’s real agenda is to:

A) Protect the environment.
B) Protect the financial interests of the chemical companies whose toxic products destroy the environment.

#9) The Federal Reserve functions to:

A) Stabilize the economy and keep America strong.
B) Loot the economy and control America’s economy for the interests of the few.

#10) The purpose of TSA checkpoints at airports is to:

A) Keep air passengers safe and secure.
B) Indoctrinate Americans into surrendering to police state invasions of their privacy.

#11) The practical function of the U.S. Supreme Court is to:

A) Protect the constitutional rights of the citizens.
B) Legitimize federal tyranny over the People by ignoring the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

#12) Vaccines are based on:

A) Gold standard science that conclusively proves their safety and effectiveness.
B) Quackery and fraud combined with a persistent medical mythology that utterly lacks a factual basis.

#13) Herbs and superfoods:

A) Are medically useless and cannot treat, prevent or cure any disease.
B) Contain powerful plant-based medicines that can help reverse and prevent disease.

#14) In Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, America:

A) Led a humanitarian effort to save innocent people from tyranny.
B) Waged an illegal imperialist war to occupy foreign nations and control their oil.

#15) The U.S. Bill of Rights

A) Grants you rights and freedoms.
B) Merely acknowledges the rights and freedoms you already possess.

Score your Sheeple Quiz

To score your Sheeple Quiz, simply count the number of times you answered “A” to the questions above.

If you answered “A” 10 times or more…

You are a total news-watching, gullible fairytale swallowing Sheeple! Be sure to keep taking those medications and watching more network news. Don’t bother thinking for yourself because you seem to be incapable of accomplishing that.

If you answered “A” fewer than 10 times…

You are sadly Sheeple-minded but there is hope for your rescue. Learn more about the world around you and train yourself to think critically so you can depart from the herd mentality.

If you answered “A” fewer than 5 times…

You are an unusually intelligent free-minded thinker who questions the world around you and doesn’t buy into the usual propaganda. You still got suckered on a few items, so there’s more yet to learn. But you’re on the right track!

If you answered “A” exactly zero times…

You are the complete opposite of a Sheeple. You’re independent minded, well informed and probably a regular reader of Stay on track and question events in the world around you. Eat more superfoods to maintain your healthy immune system and cognitive function. Avoid the toxic chemicals in foods, medicines and lawn care products. Keep reading the alternative press and voice your intelligent views to others willing to listen. (But don’t waste your time on those who aren’t.)

Thank you for taking the Sheeple quiz here on NaturalNews. - Xoting is Gothic Mysticism

Monday, December 13, 2010

"How the Globalist’s PR Agents Use the Wikileaks Psyops Program" by Scott Creighton

"How the Globalist’s PR Agents Use the Wikileaks Psyops Program" by Scott Creighton

Julian Assange Wikileaks_org

"Michel Chossudovsky over at Global Research has put up an interesting NPR transcript with some rather revealing statements about Wikileaks that were made by the New York Times chief Washington correspondent, David Sanger. Sanger is one of the New York Times reporters who have been reading and writing about the different state department memos “leaked” by Wikileaks. He was also involved in meetings with the Obama administration and others which selected and redacted the cables that would be published."
New York Times" Motto

"Another statement is interesting because it shows that the New York Times didn’t get their “leaks” from Wikileaks, but instead they got them from The Guardian, another globalist controlled publication. You would think that something as big as the Wikileaks, the Guardian might want to keep the exclusive for themselves. Imagine all that money they gave up handing over these “leaks” to the New York Times. Makes one think that there was a larger agenda at work. Now remember, Wikileaks didn’t just publish these things themselves, instead, for some reason, they handed them over (supposedly) to the Guardian and let them edit them and select them as they saw fit. If Assange didn’t see that coming, if he didn’t KNOW that the globalist institutions would use these documents in this way prior to his handing them over, he’s an idiot."
This Article by Scott Creighton has a Silver Lining. It is a Victory for Freedom. D Key to understanding this is, like Alex Jones says it is a “War for your Mind”. D general Public r influenced by Opinion Makers. Opinion Makers r no longer getting their info from d Main Stream Media like d NYT because they have access to d Net.
No Mater what happens d Ruling Elite need to control Peoples Thoughts. If they have to tell d Truth to retain that control they will do it. In other Words they will give up d Gold to save d Golden Goose which is d Main Stream Media (MSM) including Hollywood, Music n now they want to start controlling d Net.
David E. Sanger,
 The New York Times

D Ruling Elite r using Assange to legitimize their Information by giving us Truths. Just like CON Artist they will try to sucker us in by building up CON-fidence. Then at d Crucial Moment they will use a Lie or even a Truth, to trap us. This Scenario is Standard Operating Procedure for Con Artists n Black Ops but it also shows that d Ruling Elite r losing Ground in d War for our Minds. We must be vigil n not fall for their Media Mind Matrix that keeps us shackled as Chattel. rr18æih
Anyone who wants to understand d Role of d MSM especially d New York Times should read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" or see d Movie.
REFERENCE: How the Globalist’s PR Agents Use the Wikileaks Psyops Program --Scott Creighton

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Brain Damage Seen in People With Severe Sleep Apnea

Medial view of a halved human brain, parts col...    
 (Edited ... n Pictures added --Tiwaz)

By Laura Sanders, Science News
Vivid, violent dreams can portend brain disorders by half a century, a new study finds. ..
People with a mysterious sleep disturbance called REM sleep behavior disorder, or RBD, experience a sudden change in the nature of dreams. Dreams increasingly become more violent and frequently involve episodes in which an attacker must be fought off. The normal muscle paralysis that accompanies dreams is gone, leaving the dreamer, who is most often male, to act out the dream’s punches, twists and yells. In many cases, a person sharing the dreamer’s bed can be injured.
Doctors used to think of RBD as an isolated disorder. But follow-up studies revealed that a striking number of these patients later develop neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia. The exact figures vary, but some studies find that anywhere from 80 to 100 percent eventually get a neurodegenerative disorder.

Of the 27 patients who fit the criteria (of which only three were women, reflecting the curious male predominance of RBD), the median interval between onset of the sleep disorder and of the neurological disorder was 25 years, the team found. For six of these patients, Boeve says, the sleep disorder was first noticed by their spouse on their honeymoon or shortly afterward. In one case, RBD preceded Parkinson’s disease by 50 years.
The 50-year interval uncovered in the study is an “extraordinarily long and slow lag period,” Schenck says. “That’s the big news.”
Such a long interval brings the hope that once a “mysterious and magical neuroprotective agent is identified,” Schenck says, it could be used before the brain is damaged severely. Some researchers think that by the time dementia symptoms appear, it is already too late to undo the damage.

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Friday, August 06, 2010


Our so called Governments not only can not deliver clean Air or Water but r  dumbing us down thru our Water Supply! Thru MSM Brain Washing they actually "Dream" they r thinking. (I have edited this n added Pictures. See Orginal Article)

Poison Tap Water

Paul Joseph Watson & Matt Ryan
Thursday, August 5, 2010
...While sodium fluoride is commonly used as a rat poison, globalists and eugenicists have decided to add it to water supplies with the message to the public being that it is good for teeth, despite warnings from the ADA stating that young children risk a disease called dental fluorosis. The Guardian reported that fluoride water can also cause cancer.

Fluoride being artifically added to drinking water in India is causing blindness and deformities amongst children.
Christopher Bryson’s widely acclaimed book The Fluoride Deception includes dozens of peer-reviewed studies showing that sodium fluoride is a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system and leads to a multitude of serious health problems. This fact has been covered up by a collusion of government and industry who have reaped financial windfalls while illegally mass medicating the public against their will.
Perhaps the most notable study was conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullenix Ph.D., a highly respected pharmacologist and toxicologist, who in a 1995 Forsyth Research Institute study found that rats who had fluoride added to their diet exhibited abnormal behavioral traits.
A 2008 Scientific American report concluded that “Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift” as new evidence emerged of the poison’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.
“New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – bone cancer – between the ages of 10 and 19,” according to a London Observer article about the study.
Based on the findings of the study, the respected Environmental Working Group lobbied to have fluoride in tap water be added to the US government’s classified list of substances known or anticipated to cause cancer in humans.
Cancer rates in the U.S. have skyrocketed with one in three people now contracting the disease at some stage in their life.
Percentage of population receiving fluoridated...Image via Wikipedia
An August 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages children’s liver and kidney functions.
Growing opposition to fluoridation of water supplies in light of this evidence is contributing to a scaling back of water fluoridation programs, with voters in places like Mount Pleasant calling for the amount added to be reduced.
With awareness about sodium fluoride on the increase, the establishment is now moving to demonize anyone who raises the issue as a dangerous lunatic. In an official press release, the Fluoride Action Network slams “recent mischaracterizations of fluoridation opponents by political pundits Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and others in conjunction with Senator Harry Reid’s Nevada re-election campaign.”

Sodium fluoride is a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972. In addition, toothpaste manufacturers are required by law to include the following text on their products, “If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.”
“FAN’s website has a wealth of scientific information indicating that water fluoridation is neither safe nor effective,” states the press release. “In fact, mounting evidence shows that it is harmful to large segments of the population and has helped to create an epidemic of dental fluorosis in children.” On April 12, 2010, Time magazine listed fluoride as one of the “Top Ten Common Household Toxins” and described fluoride as both “neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed.”
- Fluoride is a waste by-product of the fertilizer and aluminum industry and it’s also a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972.
- Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).
- USAF Major George R. Jordan testified before Un-American Activity committees of Congress in the 1950’s that in his post as U.S.-Soviet liaison officer, the Soviets openly admitted to “Using the fluoride in the water supplies in their concentration camps, to make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient.”

Solzhenitsyn has graphically described the evils of The Gulag Archipelago from .... “From 1917 to 1959 socialism cost the Soviet Union 110 million lives” ...

- 97% of western Europe has rejected fluoridated water due to the known health risks, however 10% of Britons drink it and the UK government is trying to fast track the fluoridation of the entire country’s water supply.
- In Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg fluoridation of water was rejected because it was classified as compulsive medication against the subject’s will and therefore violated fundamental human rights.
- In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water.


TheSocialist Reply:
August 5th, 2010 at 3:08 pm

Here’s some more CFR scum at Newsweek admitting that a nations ability to develop itself and provide clean drinking water correlates with high IQ scores:

“Why Do IQ Scores Vary By Nation?” By Katie Baker

“The brain, say author Christopher Eppig and his colleagues, is the “most costly organ in the human body.” Brainpower gobbles up close to 90 percent of a newborn’s energy. It stands to reason, then, that if something interferes with energy intake while the brain is growing, the impact could be serious and longlasting. And for vast swaths of the globe, the biggest threat to a child’s body—and hence brain—is parasitic infection. These illnesses threaten brain development in several ways. They can directly attack live tissue, which the body must then strain to replace. They can invade the digestive tract and block nutritional uptake. They can hijack the body’s cells for their own reproduction. And then there’s the energy diverted to the immune system to fight the infection. Out of all the parasites, the diarrheal ones may be the gravest threat—they can prevent the body from getting any nutrients at all.”

“Using data on national “disease burdens” (life years lost due to infectious diseases) and average intelligence scores, the authors found a striking inverse correlation—around 67 percent. The countries with the lowest average IQ scores—Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Mozambique, Gabon—have among the highest disease burdens. In contrast, nations with low disease burdens top the IQ list, with Singapore, South Korea, China, Japan, and Italy in the lead.”

“The study’s findings may also help explain the Flynn effect, which can’t be accounted for by evolution (the IQ gains occur over time spans too short for natural selection). So what’s going on instead? As nations develop, they improve their population’s access to safe drinking water and to vaccines and medicine—all of which lower parasitic infection rates.

If the study holds up, it could be revolutionary for our understanding of the still-bewildering variation in national intelligence scores—and also a pressing injunction to continue the fight against malaria and other developing-world diseases, which some global-health watchers have recently declared unbeatable.”


Should corrupt governments continue to be totally dependent on international corporations and lending institutions -like the IMF- for the care of their own people?

They want to turn America into Africa- total genocidal austerity and no development.

InvestigatEverything Reply:
August 5th, 2010 at 4:06 pm

The name of the Facebook group I created is NO MORE FLUORIDE IN OUR WATER!!!

If you cannot find it by name, then search by group #…


Friday, July 23, 2010

G20 "Officer Bubbles"- It is time to start applying Perjury charges against MSM.

I have worked with d Police for over 10 years. Until d G20 in Toronto June 26th the 2010, I have always had respect n have defended d Police ---- NO MORE. ---- “Officer”??? A. Josephs is a good Example of d “NEW WORLD ORDER” Police. No longer r they held to a Heroic Standard, who earn d right to wear a Uniform because of their solid Rock CHARACTER that Courage, Patience n Altruism is built on. We now have Politically Correct Appointees - POLITICAL POLICE - who r conditioned to believe they r “Above the Law”. In other Words dangerous Criminals r now wearing Uniforms. What is even more outrages is that d "Good Cops" r doing nothing n therefore have become accessories to d Crimes of "Bad Cops". Now d whole "Rule of Law" that binds all Citizens together in an organic n harmonious Whole, has been undermined. This means not only d Weak r at risk but d Powerful, d Politicians, d Main Stream Media (MSM) n Political Police who believe they r above d Law, r also at risk. Anyone who has Studied Stalinism will tell you that no-one is save.
D deeper Problem lies not in a Criminal Police Force but in a Stupified Citizenry. A Culture that is bonded together by d Rule of Law, in an organic n harmonious Whole, must be a Culture where d Citizens r informed by a Media that “affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” If d Police n d Politicians r seen to be Above d Law d MSM r not even on d Radar Screen. This is changing through d Internet. Citizenry r waking up to d MSM Criminal Complicity. D best Example of this is d Media's Lies of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (WMD) that helped  precipitated d Iraq War. This Phrase by d MASS Media is now  thought of as WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION by d Internet Public.  I am not a Christian but d Words from d Rabbi from Nazareth come to Mind. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44, KJV) If we contemplate “The medium is the message”, a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan we will realize that d truly diabolic Criminals r d MSM. Not only has d MSM totally falsified what has happened at G20 in Toronto but they where d MEDIUM that whipping up “Crimes” between d Protesters n Police totally “Occulting” d Crimes of d G20, namely “Crimes against Humanity”, “Crimes against d Peace” n various Crimes under d Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). It is time to start applying PERJURY charges against MSM. Once we hold d MSM “Medium” accountable to d “Rule of Law” we will see many of d Ills we have Today in our Culture Vanish.

Let me be clear I am not advocating limits on Freedom of Speech. In-fact we do not have enough Freedom of Speech in Countries like Canada n should have First Amendment Rights like they have in United States. There is a difference between “Joe Public” or an “Editorial” giving Opinion n a “Witness” giving Evidence in a Court Room. We hold Doctors accountable for Malpractice we should hold Professional “Witnesses” like Journalist accountable for Perjury. --Tiwaz 2010 rr17iae 

dankyogurt Says: June 28th, 2010 at 6:18 am
I know for a fact that the cop cars that were set on fire were hollowed out, ready to be sent to the scrapyard. I was at the collision reporting centre in North York on saturday and the cop there told me that there were no computer equipment or weapons in the cars, they were basically painted junk cars and that this was one of the many “tactics” that they would be using. I asked him about their use of provocateurs in riots like Montebello and the conversation ended quickly.
4 hours ago 6
@kathyputinish Wow, talk about over generalizing. Wake-up, Black Bloc were provocateurs, they have them at every g8/g20. I was there on Queen st. when the police made a random circle, for NO reason - brought in 2 cop cars, got out of them, left them - then 10 mins later Black Bloc came and fucked them up and set them on fire. There were over 10,000 protesters and a little less then 50 Black Bloc Anarchists and your going to say all the protesters are idiots? lmfao only idiot is you kid.
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