Friday, August 05, 2011

CHICAGO TRIBUNE implies their Readers are Racists

By CHICAGO TRIBUNE “LOGIC”, in “Race and the 'flash mob' attacks” mentioning the Race of a Group of Criminals is Racist. Is then mentioning "White" Racists, in Affirmative Action Articles, also Racist? Is using the Word "German" in reference to exterminating Jews, racist? Would even mentioning Jews as Victims be racist? Is mentioning Race in Articles that deal with Genocide, Racist? Since Chicago Tribune regularly talks about Race & regularly mentions Race in Crimes like the Holocaust & Apartheid in South Africa, can we conclude by their own “LOGIC” that they are Racists?

If the Argument is that the emphasis should be on the Criminals & not Race then this is a "sound general policy ". These Perpetuators are not “Black” or “White” “Germans” or “Jews” “Catholic” or “Protestant” but Criminals, BUT, NOT to give a description that a Group of Perpetuators are of one Race, & the Victims are of another Race is Criminal Negligence. It is Criminal Negligence because it obstructs pertinent Information that could bring Criminals to Justice.

Does the Chicago Tribune actually BELIEVE this has nothing to do with Political Correctness & that they are following a Higher Calling? A better Argument is that because they have had no opposition, until now, to their Propaganda, it quite possible they actually believe their own “LOGIC”. When Readers now have a Voice through the alternative Media & can talk back, instead of having an intelligent Debate, the CHICAGO TRIBUNE implies their Readers are Racists!

In this Article, the Chicago Tribune attempts to shore up it’s worth as a viable propaganda Venue. When they resort to Ad Hominem attacks on their Readers they have lost all credibility. It is time to realize that the Main Stream Media is a complete waste of Time.


ARTICLE EXCERPTS ------------ Race and the 'flash mob' attacks, by Steve Chapman, 3:24 p.m. CDT, June 8, 2011
Here's my question about the teenagers who have been attacking and robbing people on North Michigan Avenue in recent days:


Why aren't we mentioning that the culprits are black?
There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It's the newspaper's sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.
My question to readers accusing us of political correctness is: Why do you care so much about the attackers' race? If you fear or dislike blacks, I suppose it would confirm your prejudice. But otherwise, it tells you nothing useful.,0,1883170.story?obref=obnetwork

Monday, May 16, 2011



Here’s the quiz. Choose “A” or “B” as the answer for each question, then check your score below.

#1) The purpose of the mainstream media is to:

A) Keep you informed.
B) Feed you misinformation while keeping you distracted from the real issues our world is facing.

#2) Social Security is:

A) A financial safety net that makes sure people have a retirement income.
B) A government-run Ponzi scheme that requires more and more people to keep paying in just to stay afloat and will ultimately collapse into total bankruptcy.

#3) The fluoride dripped into municipal water supplies is:

A) A naturally-occurring mineral.
B) An industrial chemical waste byproduct.

#4) When you donate money to find the cure for cancer, that money goes:

A) To fund research programs that assess actual cancer cures for the purpose of freely sharing them with the public.
B) To fund mammogram campaigns that actually irradiate women’s breasts, causing the very cancers that earn huge profits for the cancer treatment industry.

#5) The national debt is:

A) Under control and will be paid off in a few years.
B) Out of control and will spiral into a runaway debt collapse.

#6) GMOs will:

A) Feed the world and prevent starvation.
B) Threaten the future of life on our planet through genetic contamination and widespread crop failures.

#7) The FDA protects:

A) The people from dangerous medicines.
B) The financial interests of the drug companies.

#8) The EPA’s real agenda is to:

A) Protect the environment.
B) Protect the financial interests of the chemical companies whose toxic products destroy the environment.

#9) The Federal Reserve functions to:

A) Stabilize the economy and keep America strong.
B) Loot the economy and control America’s economy for the interests of the few.

#10) The purpose of TSA checkpoints at airports is to:

A) Keep air passengers safe and secure.
B) Indoctrinate Americans into surrendering to police state invasions of their privacy.

#11) The practical function of the U.S. Supreme Court is to:

A) Protect the constitutional rights of the citizens.
B) Legitimize federal tyranny over the People by ignoring the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

#12) Vaccines are based on:

A) Gold standard science that conclusively proves their safety and effectiveness.
B) Quackery and fraud combined with a persistent medical mythology that utterly lacks a factual basis.

#13) Herbs and superfoods:

A) Are medically useless and cannot treat, prevent or cure any disease.
B) Contain powerful plant-based medicines that can help reverse and prevent disease.

#14) In Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, America:

A) Led a humanitarian effort to save innocent people from tyranny.
B) Waged an illegal imperialist war to occupy foreign nations and control their oil.

#15) The U.S. Bill of Rights

A) Grants you rights and freedoms.
B) Merely acknowledges the rights and freedoms you already possess.

Score your Sheeple Quiz

To score your Sheeple Quiz, simply count the number of times you answered “A” to the questions above.

If you answered “A” 10 times or more…

You are a total news-watching, gullible fairytale swallowing Sheeple! Be sure to keep taking those medications and watching more network news. Don’t bother thinking for yourself because you seem to be incapable of accomplishing that.

If you answered “A” fewer than 10 times…

You are sadly Sheeple-minded but there is hope for your rescue. Learn more about the world around you and train yourself to think critically so you can depart from the herd mentality.

If you answered “A” fewer than 5 times…

You are an unusually intelligent free-minded thinker who questions the world around you and doesn’t buy into the usual propaganda. You still got suckered on a few items, so there’s more yet to learn. But you’re on the right track!

If you answered “A” exactly zero times…

You are the complete opposite of a Sheeple. You’re independent minded, well informed and probably a regular reader of Stay on track and question events in the world around you. Eat more superfoods to maintain your healthy immune system and cognitive function. Avoid the toxic chemicals in foods, medicines and lawn care products. Keep reading the alternative press and voice your intelligent views to others willing to listen. (But don’t waste your time on those who aren’t.)

Thank you for taking the Sheeple quiz here on NaturalNews. - Xoting is Gothic Mysticism